Designing or Production was not what I intended to choose. It's more like the path was set up for me. With an average score of 18 points in G.C.E 'O' level and a D7 for mathematics, my path was doomed or so it may seems. However i tried applying into various courses searching for an answer. Is the end for me ? I thought, until i cam e across DMPD in RP. Also known as Diploma In Media Production and Design. 

As my days progresses in RP, so does my skills as a designer. Being hone with skills such as Ai, Ps , ID, AE, Pr,. Thus  these versatile skills allowed me to create multiple design from logos, websites, poster ( indoors &outdoors ) , catalogues and even CV. On top of all these, we were trained with video shooting skills , from in front of the scene to writing for screen.

Our video editing and shooting involves us shooting documentaries, interviews, short film & drama. Multicam involves us working in teams in a studio setup to shoot demonstration, magazine and interview and even talk& games shows. 

 But me as personally, as I developed these skills, I am more inclined to designing and it begain one of my favourite thing to learn, study and even create. Thus in these following pages,there are art work of my design that consist of various Adobe software to create for projects, graded assignments and even personal work. 

If you ever looking for someone to help or even create your very own personal logo, just click on to contact for more information.